Welcome to our portfolio page. This wil give you an idea of the
websites we have created and the database work we have carried out.
Developed a contacts database for a client - this allowed contact
entries to be added to customers etc, and automatic adding of tasks
to Outlook if necessary.
Developed a database to store website information, e.g. URL (web
address), relevant pages, importance etc. This database integrated
with Excel for import of information and also Word for exporting
reports in a specified format, which could be emailed out directly
if required.
Nutrition Sensibility
Website developed with Joomla Content Management System for a new business promoting Healthy Eating. Important requirement was the ability was for the client to be able to maintain the website herself easily.
www.nutritionsensibility.co.uk |
Horse Health Matters
Website for Chrissie Mason who is
a member of The British Register of Complimentary Practitioners specialising in energy medicine. She wanted a website to promote her business but wanted the design simple and easy to use.
www.horsehealthmatters.co.uk |
Grafton Equine Bereavement Services
Company requiring a simple website to promote their new business. Needed to be sympathetic design to match their letterhead.
www.equinebereavementservices.co.uk |
Surrey Field Sports
New company requiring full e-commerce functionality with online admin of products, customers, orders etc.
www.surreyfieldsports.co.uk |
PAS Plus
Website developed for CWMC to promote their new service for body shops aiming to gain the PAS 125 BSi Accreditation. With login area and purchasing online. Also question/answer ability for registered users.
www.pasplus.co.uk |
Safety Net Development Coaching
Website required to promote Safety Net Development Coaching in Northamptonshire.
www.coachingistheanswer.com |
The Hip Clinic
This website is dedicated to patients who have Hip disease and are looking for some information that is easy to understand. A single page site for The London Hip Clinic was also developed.
www.londonhipclinic.co.uk/ |
Plum Park Farm
Plum Park Farm offer a wide range of facilities as well as the farm, such as a riding school, stud, and vet centre. They wanted a website to promote all these options that they could maintain themselves.
www.plumparkfarm.co.uk |
Latte & Miele Childrens Emporium
Website required by a small retailer to provide them with a web presence at minimal cost. Based on the design of their leaflet.
www.lattemiele.co.uk |
Approached by an American client to develop a new games website with exciting Spot-The-Ball competitions including free games to win some fantastic prizes. Tournament Games to be added very soon.
http://www.skillgamemecca.com |
Caravans and Parts
New portal website aimed at people looking to buy a caravan. Developed for a client who offers a caravan/motorhome finder service.
http://www.caravansandparts.co.uk/ |
Brackley Town Council Website
Brackley Town in Northamptonshire required a website to help promote the town and to let local people know about the local events in the town. They needed to be able to update the website themselves.
http://www.brackleynorthants-tc.gov.uk |
Car Salvage Finder
Simple site to provide an easy route for people looking for car salvage to find it by emailing all the local dealers.
http://www.carsalvagefinder.co.uk |
Loft Conversions
Developed in association with House Extension Online to provide information and links for people looking to have either a loft, basement or garage conversion to their property.
www.loft-conversion.onlineinfo4all.co.uk |
Sailing Info 4 All
Aimed at those people looking to buy a boat. There is lots
of useful information which includes various types of boats,
buying a boat, finance and insurance, boat moorings, boat equipment
and sailing holidays.
http://www.sailinginfo4all.co.uk |
Music Info 4 All
Aimed at those people thinking about buying or starting to
play a musical instrument. There is lots of information on
buying an instrument, choosing the right one, music exams and
looking after the musical instrument.
http://www.musicinfo4all.co.uk |
Village Green Team
Village Green Team organise a range of franchise companies varying from Mobile Car Wash to House Sitting Services. Site needed revamping with new sections and scrolling newsheadlines on the home page.
http://www.vgteam.com |
Brackley Vision
Brackley Vision - the Town Partnership for Brackley in Northamptonshire required a simple website to let the people of the Town know on what projects they were working.
http://www.brackleyvision.org |
Trojan Solutions
Trojan Solutions are specialists in mid to high end servers and options from
DEC, Compaq and HP.
http://www.trojansolutions.co.uk |
Bugsies Mobile Dog Wash Service
East Midlands
A new franchise for Bugsies requiring a website for information purposes. Fun site to match the general Bugsie's Logo. Pictures were found by Sigma as non-available due to new company.
http://www.bugsies-uk.co.uk |
New Media Intelligence
Creation of a new website for New Media Intelligence to match
their new name (previously Parallel54). Professional, but easy
to navigate site required.
Helios Antiques
Helios Antiques approached Sigma having seen the Reindeer Antiques
website. They required a simple site to show examples of their
products, but with the ability later to add further functionality
if required.
http://www.heliosantiques.com |
The Non Executive Directors Forum
The Non Executive Directors Forum required an updated website
which was easy to read for their members and visitors. A private
members area will be added soon.
http://www.thenedforum.org |
Towcester Town Council
Towcester Town Council wanted to bring themselves into the 21st
Century and required a website providing local information to
local residents and visitors. They are updating the site themselves
using Contribute.
http://www.towcester-tc.gov.uk/ |
Holmans Wood Caravan Park
Required a website to promote their caravan park in Devon. Lots
of pictures and needed to be able to click on these to see bigger
versions. Also added some images below the side menu.
http://www.holmanswood.co.uk |
Ian Harrison Services
A simple site was required to help promote Ian Harrison Services
- a mini digger hire company based in Northamptonshire. A site
was provided, including the hosting, for less than £300, but
using Google Adwords they obtained better results in one week
than in 6 months of other types of advertising.
http://www.ian-harrison-services.co.uk |
Company importing vintage tractors wanted a website to enable potential customers to see pictures of their tractors.
http://www.vintage-tractors.co.uk |
Foundation for Independent Directors
The Foundation for Independet Directors are a non-profit making
organisation who required a good website, but had a limited budget.
They also needed the site live within 2 weeks.
http://www.foundationfidirs.com |
Roade School
Roade School were looking for a new website to reflect their Sports College status. They required the site to be live before full completion ready for the intake for 2004.
Reindeer Antiques
Reindeer Antiques had a website, but the products were out of
date. They required
a new website, with the ability to update their products themselves
when and where necessary, but also ensuring a good visibility
on the search engines. This was developed for them using special
ecommerce software.
http://www.reindeerantiques.co.uk |
BTE Plant Sales
Developed to give BTE Plant Sales more visibility on the
internet. Also, their used plant pages are created off-line
from the new stock database and uploaded automatically
during the night. This way they get a "database back
end" but greater visibility on the net compared to
dynamically created pages.
http://www.bte-plant-sales.co.uk |